Glacier National Park Elopement | Mason & Laura

Glacier National Park had never really been on my radar before Mason & Laura, two of our college friends, reached out and told us that is where they were going to get married. We were pretty stoked to hear about any wedding involving a national park, so we immediately said heck yes. We quickly learned - Glacier is THE national park. It might not be as recognizable of a name as say, Yosemite or Yellowstone - but anytime we spoke to someone who had been there before, they all agreed it was their favorite park. 

The stoke was high leading up to the wedding and the park did not disappoint. It didn’t feel like America. We brought Laura & Mason into the park for portraits and ended up at one of the most iconic spots right as the sun was setting! We got to run around, explore, and pretty much spent most of our time just looking at the mountains. We saw big-horned sheep fight over food which was epic - and almost saw a family of bears! And then we ended the session with all of us sprinting over to the tunnel entrance and it was the most perfect way to wrap up such an exhilarating day! 

These pictures and this place are some of my favourite things - so take a scroll and if you ever get the chance to go visit Glacier - don’t hesitate! GO!


North Cascades Adventure Session | Sara & Sean


A Mountain Wedding in Salida, Colorado